Configure New Redshift Cluster for Datacoral

Datacoral can create a new Redshift cluster as part of the installation. To instantiate a new Redshift cluster as part of the onboarding, please select the type of node better suited for your workload and the number of nodes. We default to dc2.large due to the cost/performance ratio.

Secure the Redshift Cluster

When creating a new Redshift cluster, Datacoral creates the following users in Redshift:

  • Master user
  • Datacoral user

Each of these user accounts in Redshift can be secured.

Master user

The master user has admin privileges on the entire cluster. Datacoral does not need to ever use the credentials while running the installation. You can change the password of this user within your Postgres client and not share it with us.

ALTER USER master PASSWORD '<your new password>'

Note: Redshift passwords require one lowercase letter, one uppercase, a number and a special character. See Redshift ALTER USER Documentation for more details.

Datacoral user

Datacoral uses a dedicated datacoral with read/write privileges to access the cluster. This user can create, alter, and drop schemas and tables. Datacoral Installation software connects to Redshift with this user in order to perform several operations like

  • inserting raw data from connectors into raw data tables
  • automatically updating schemas of raw data tables
  • implementing materialized views
  • maintenance of tables in the cluster

You can alter the password of the datacoral user as well. You can then encrypt the password. Contact us at if you want to do this.