GitHub Connector UI Setup Guide


Before getting started please make sure to have generated GitHub API keys

Create GitHub API Token

Before getting started please make sure to have the following information:

  • Admin access in your GitHub account

  • In your GitHub account, click your account name in the top right corner, then click Settings

  • In the left sidebar menu, navigate to Developer settings > Personal access tokens

  • If a key has never been generated for your account, click Generate a personal access token after selecting repo and read:org under admin:org

  • Once an token has been created for your account, the token will appear. Copy the auth token to your clipboard

Step 1: Select GitHub Connector

  • From the main menu, click on Add connector
  • In the drop down list, find and select GitHub connector

Step 2. Configure connection parameters

Fill in the details for

  • Connector name : Set the name of the connector, please note that this cannot be changed
  • Destination warehouse : Choose the destination warehouse from the drop down
  • User Agent : GitHub username or application name
  • AuthToken : Token generated in prerequisites

Connector Activated

You have successfully added the connector once you have landed on the below page.


Please contact Datacoral's Support Team, we'd be more than happy to answer any of your questions.